Quick Access:
Kangaroo management and sustainability
Kangaroo management plans
NSW Government: New South Wales Commercial Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan 2017-2021
QLD Government: Queensland Commercially Harvested Macropods 2018-22
SA Government: South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2020-2024
WA Government: Management Plan for the Commercial Harvest of Kangaroos in Western Australia 2019-2023
VIC Government: Kangaroo Pet Food Trial Developmental Wildlife Trade Operation Plan – Victorian Government – 2018
TAS Government: Export of fur from Tasmanian Pademelon (rufous wallaby) Thylogale billardierii – Bush Wizards – 2015
Population reporting and harvest zones
Australian Government database: Macropod quotas and harvest for commercial harvest areas in NSW, QLD, SA and WA – 2019
NSW Government: Commercial kangaroo management
QLD Government: Harvesting of macropods
SA Government: Kangaroo conservation and management
WA Government: Kangaroo management
VIC Government (Wildlife Victoria): Commercial harvest of kangaroos
Proficiency training and licenses
NSW Government: Commercial harvester and Animal dealer licences
QLD Government: Macropod Harvesting Licence
SA Government: Harvest permits
WA Government: Fauna Licences
VIC Government: Harvester and landholder authorisation
UNSW School of BEES: Grazing by over-abundant native herbivores jeopardizes conservation goals in semi-arid reserves
Ecology Society of Australia: At high densities kangaroo grazing can reduce biodiversity
ANU: Culling kangaroos could help the environment
NSW Agriculture: Evaluating alternative management strategies for kangaroos in the Murray-Darling Basin
ANU and Australia Wildlife Services: Professional kangaroo population control leads to better animal welfare, conservation outcomes and avoids waste
UNSW, ANU, Usyd, Charles Darwin University, AWS and Wildlife Management International: THINKK again: getting the facts straight on kangaroo harvesting and conservation
University of Queensland: Population monitoring for kangaroo management
CSIRO: Methods for Small-Scale Surveys of Grey Kangaroo Populations
CSIRO: An assessment of the accuracy of kangaroo surveys using fixed-wing aircraft
ANU, Uni of Canberra (NSW): Scientific review on kangaroos in the environment
Uni of Queensland (NSW): Harvest Management of Kangaroos during Drought
Uni of Queensland (NSW): Kangaroo Genetics: Impacts of harvesting
Facts and explainers
Video: The role of commercial harvesting in kangaroo conservation (Subtitles in English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Chinese)
Map: Harvest zones
Factsheet: A sustainable industry
Mythbuster: Sustainability
Animal welfare and ethical consumerism
Standards and legislation
Commercial Code: National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Commercial Purposes
Non-Commercial Code: National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-Commercial Purposes
Consultation Report: The development of a new code of practice for the commercial harvesting of kangaroos
Australian Government: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
Leather Working Group: International environmental audit
World Organisation for Animal Health: OIE Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Evaluation Report of Australia
AgriFutures: Improving the humaneness of commercial kangaroo harvesting
AgriFutures: The Australian kangaroo industry: male-only harvesting, sustainability and an assessment of animal welfare impacts
Journal of Industrial Ecology: Measuring the Environmental Footprint of Leather Processing Technologies
Facts and explainers
Video: Why you can trust Australia’s commercial kangaroo industry (Subtitles in English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Chinese)
Factsheet: A humane industry
Mythbuster: Animal Welfare
Food safety and other export requirements
Standards and legislation
Federal Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (DAWE):
Electronic legislation, manuals and essential references (ELMER 3)
Approved Arrangement – Meat
Export Control (Wild Game Meat and Wild Game Meat Products) Orders 2010
Meat Notices (changes to meat industry guidelines)
Manual of Importing Country Requirements (MICoR)
Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council (ANZFRMC) and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ):
Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production of Wild Game Meat for Human Consumption (AS 4464:2007)
Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Productsfor Human Consumption (AS 4696:2007)
Food Safety Practices and General Requirements (Standard 3.2.2)
State monitoring and traceability
NSW Food Authority: Meat safety and labelling requirements
QLD Safe Food: Wild Animal Harvester (Red Meat)
SA Government: Regulations for meat processing and meat handling businesses
WA Government: Primary production and processing of food
VIC PrimeSafe: Game Meat Processing
SOP 13 Product Identification and Traceability
European Commission: Food safety and animal welfare audit report (DG (SANTE) 2019-6679)
AgriFutures: Nutritional Composition of Kangaroo Meat – Fat content and lipid composition
AgriFutures: Consumer Attitudes to Kangaroo Meat Products
Tiffany Hall: Fast fat loss with Roo
Men’s Health: Look At This Photo of a Kangaroo. Awww, Isn’t It Cute? Here’s Why You Should Eat It
9Honey Coach: Hopping mad? Why kangaroo meat is great for your health
The Conversation: How to get the nutrients you need without eating as much red meat
Facts and explainers
Video: How traceable are kangaroo products? (Subtitles in English, German, French, Dutch, Italian and Chinese)
Factsheet: An accountable industry
Mythbuster: Accountability
The KIAA and its products
Marketing materials
Policy papers
Facts and explainers
Video: Nutritional benefits of kangaroo: English | Mandarin | Korean | Vietnamese | Japanese
Factsheet: A valuable industry
Video gallery