Commercial industry supports a fair and factual inquiry in NSW

The KIAA supports a fair and factual inquiry into kangaroo health and wellbeing. While we believe existing state and federal animal welfare standards and conservation measures to be very effective in protecting kangaroos, we welcome any inquiry that would lead to improvements into the wellbeing and longevity of all kangaroo species.

A factual discussion around how we manage kangaroos sustainably and humanely in Australia as well as how we responsibly make use of animals that are killed for conservation is an important one for us to have as a nation. And if we can do it better, why wouldn’t we?

The industry has long been calling for more scrutiny into illegal culling of kangaroos and into the welfare impacts of exclusion or cluster fencing. The hope is that such an inquiry could strengthen the country’s understanding of kangaroo management and the role the commercial industry plays, and put any doubts to rest.

There is a lot of confusion in the community about which kangaroo species are threatened and which are abundant, how populations are measured and how commercial harvest quotas are set. Few people also understand the science behind humane harvesting methods or the strict regulations under which the industry operates.

We do our best to inform the community, but this inquiry might be what Australia needs to move forward. That confidence in kangaroo conservation and commercial harvesting in Australia will spill over into international markets.

We encourage scientists, processors, harvesters, landowners etc. to get their submissions in before April 26 to have their say.

Terms of Reference

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