International leather maker columnist Mike Redwood responds to activist pressure Post author:Dennis King Post published:June 7, 2024 Post category:News Mike Redwood, International Leather Maker columnist, addresses animal activist pressure in his latest article. He discusses why avoiding kangaroo skins is unscientific, cruel, harms the climate and biodiversity, and won’t save kangaroos. Read the full article here. You Might Also Like Australian scientists say the commercial industry is the best way to manage kangaroo populations sustainably. June 27, 2023 Ecologists say it’s unethical to let them starve to death and ending the culling would make it worse May 10, 2023 Industry leaders say Aussies need to start eating more kangaroo September 12, 2022
Australian scientists say the commercial industry is the best way to manage kangaroo populations sustainably. June 27, 2023
Ecologists say it’s unethical to let them starve to death and ending the culling would make it worse May 10, 2023